He and I Along the Way Readers

Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for allowing us to praise your name; to thank you for the things you've done for us. Thank you for answering prayers. Food in our bellies, clothes on our back, shoes on our feet. A place to lay our heads. Transportation. Jobs, friends, family and love. Support, appreciation. Your mercy, your grace, your protection and favor. Your Word, your love and your spirit. Your teachings and your chastening. Thank you for answering prayers. For those that don't have Lord, we ask you to see about them. Provide them what they need. Bless them like you've blessed us. Take care of them like you've taken care of us. Love them, like you've loved us. See about them, heal them, protect them, provide them your mercy and grace, like you've done for us. Provide us all with your spirit and forgiveness. Remove hurt, pain, un-gratefulness, anything that is not of you from all of us. Fill us with joy, laughter, love, your sweetness. Lord you said ...