Psalm 23 (What is it for?)

When I was a child my mother always shared with me different Psalms to read and what they were for. My mother urged me and massaged me into making sure that I created and constantly worked on having my own relationship with the Lord. With that, not only did she stress that, but she always wanted to me learn quietness, to be still so that I would be able to hear the Lords word, hear when he spoke. She showed me just how to do it. In order to do that, you must be one with his spirit, and when that takes place, you will learn a great many things from Him, you will hear Him speak, but you must learn to listen. So, with Psalm 23 , my mother says that if you lie sleep with the Psalm 23 underneath your pillow for more than a few days, as you pray each night. You may ask about something of uncertainty, such as if a friend is really your friend, or is that of a person that is surrounding you your enemy. He will give you the answer. I've found this to work. I will not guaran...