
Showing posts from April, 2014

Dear Heavenly Father Series

Dear Heavenly Father: You are completely my love. The things you do for me and the things you teach me are simply, truly amazing. Thank you for always being there, always protecting me, providing me mercy, grace, love and forgiveness. Lord, only you know all of me. Only you know what I feel when I feel and why I feel the way I do about everything. Thank you Lord for understanding me and knowing me enough to not take me  seriously at all. I love you. I hope that one day I can get to the point where I can breathe you, all day think you without letting it affect my doings and pursuance. Thank you for the abilities you've given me, the time you've rescued me, the time you've uplifted me and more. Thank you for another second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year and I hope to be thanking you for my four scores. Love always, Problem Child Quanda Graves 1/15/14