Mr. and Mrs. I am pretty sure there are prayers for marriage; however,I never really find them, and I believe there should be. One that speaks to the core of things that some are embarrassed to pray about because they are ashamed or the subject may be taboo. So, though I am not an expert in prayer or a preacher. Nevertheless, I believe in God, I believe that prayer works, I have faith, trust, patience and belief, that God can fix anything. Whenever I'm down, I pray, I talk to God about any and everything. He is truly outside of any and everyone and thing, He is my best friend. So, below is my prayer for Marriages as well as relationships too. Please know that because I am married, and have been for years I know this prayer will constantly change. So, I urge you to share with me what you think should be included in this prayer so as time goes on it can or (I hope) it will be a blessing to those in need of a somewhat guide to go by in the beginning. Summa...