S ometimes satan can infiltrate certain people and settle inside them to fixate on you, to use them to cause you some kind of discomfort, pain, disruption, irritation, aggravation, depression, confusion, destruction, tragedy, trauma and/or to cause discord and separation or more. And when that happens, sometimes just a couple of prayers won't work. Because we all know that in some cases you don't have to be doing anything, or apart of anything to have this happen, not only that, you could have broken ties with someone, but just because you're through with them, does not mean they are through with you . You may have to just turn your attention and fixate back on that demon and by that you have to constantly PRAY about that demon, FAST in regard to that demon, ANOINT yourself with anointed oil and set a PETITION unto the LORD in regard to that demon. Only because sometimes it's not always that easy to rid yourself of what has made YOU their focus. So, with th...