He and I (and why)

First, let me start by saying thank you for coming to read about He and I along the way. I am so grateful and blessed to know that people care and are intrigued enough to inquire. Secondly, if it wasn't for you,I can't say that I wouldn't be me, but I can say, that I probably wouldn't be as comfortable to be me; to truly and freely express who I am to you. So, thank you for just being the audience that I need. From this blog you will see God and I walking together.

And what that means is that I will be expressing how I feel about life. You will read my pieces asking God about why he chose to place me here, on this earth. Asking him why was I born into this world of sin all the while knowing that I should have been born in the Garden of Eden minus the drama. You will feel my emotions, happy or sad and see my confliction's, contradictions, afflictions, infliction's, and my questions about life period. You will also see the softer side of me where I show my understanding of life and his rules. You will hear my gratefulness, my praises, my prayer's, my all, because like I said, this is He and I along the way.

Now, some of you will probably have your preconceived notions about who I am. You will have your problems about the way I think, how I think and why or how I feel on certain topics. Even some of you who know me, will be surprised and will have trouble swallowing some of my thoughts, poems, essays, songs, elegies and my epiphanies and so on. But to be honest with you, I have to be me. This is to share, inspire, help and/or give other's another prospective on life if they so choose to view it the way that I do and to let others know that they are not alone. This is also for me in regard to my own personal reasons and I've decided that I would do this right now and from now on.

Though I am an optimist. I am also a realist and I can look at a situation for what it is, be honest about it and try to see how I can fix it, ask my questions to God, pray on it and you'll also see me cry, complain and gripe about it. But I feel that God and I are close enough where I am able to do that, thats why this is our walk. He knows that I am human and he's given me this life to live the way he has written it to be. I am just walking in faith; and because of that I will make mistakes, I will not always make the right decisions, I may not always put my best foot forward, I may fall many of times. But know that I am a JUST MAN because I know that I can get back up and get back in line. The Lord says so.

You will know that I trust and believe, love and have faith in him. I am honest with him and I never sugarcoat my actions nor do I try to justify them either. I always ask God to fix me, show me, explain to me before I proceed with what may be bothering me. He and I is about our walk in regard to his rules and me being human in a sin infested, influential, temptational world.

So, all I can say is learn from me, grow from me, understand me, grow with me and enjoy the fluctuation of life with the Lord with me and finally become saved with me. And if not, thanks for stopping by anyway. And may your journey, your walk with him be as great as mine. I just want us to end up in the same place... HEAVEN.



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