Heavenly Father Series "Thank you"

Dear Heavenly Father:

I want to thank you for the joy you have just given me and the doors you've just opened for me. Thank you for all that you do and all you have done. I ask that while I am enjoying the joy I'm currently indulging in I ask that you let it continue and BLOCK satan where he tries to come in and destroy. Protect me, my family and friends from anything on it's way, trying to come to cause harm, wreck life and snatch joy.

Thank you Lord for a Job, Car, Money, family, friends, time, sparing, love, protection, strength, ability, imagination, action, know how, knowledge, favor, endurance, belief, faith and allowing me to know you, talk to you, ask you, seek you and everything in between. I love you and I'm ever greatful and I know that I'm blessed because even when I'm going through something whether it be self infliction or just life period, I can appreciate that I have you as a foundation to turn to when I've found that I have strayed. Thank you JESUS for allowing me when I fall to get back up, back in line. Letting me be a JUST man (wo).

Thank you Lord; and not being funny but can I just thank you for the two dresses you've allowed me to purchase. It was truly a joy even the lady Marzia was very nice.



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