To Those who Disbelive

God is unpredictable. There is no one word to describe Him. After all, He did create himself. He did say that His thoughts is way beyond our thoughts. God is nothing that we've ever known. God is simply complicated. Spiritually and heavenly underated, But is He the devil's advocate? Is satan God's alter ego? Will we ever know? I have heard a many things: "There are missing pieces of the bible that God does not want us to read" "God has always regretted creating us humans as He always felt it was great mistake" "God does not exist" "God is not coming back" "Jesus is white; No, Jesus is black" "God was created by whites to fool us blacks" "After the da vinci code how can you still believe in the bible" "The stories in the bible are not true" Every where you turn there is always some question or statement to deter you. Some of my friends ask me how do I feel about all of t...